Ask Nurse Jesse: Returning to the Workforce

Anonymous Nurse:
I graduated from nursing school many years ago. After several years as a practicing nurse, I then decided to stay home with my children. I have kept my license current but have not worked as a nurse for almost 15 years. What is the best way to position myself to return to nursing after this much time away?

Nurse Jesse: 

Some things you might consider as you return to the workforce:

Do you have a LinkedIn profile? Having an up to date profile can help you network, browse for jobs, and market yourself.

What area do you want to practice in? What knowledge gaps do you have? Consider taking some additional continuing education specific to the specialty in which you want to work that addresses any learning needs that you have. Check out, where you can find nursing practice courses as well as ‘Essentials of Job Searching for Nurses’ and ‘Everything You Need to Know about Resume Writing’

Make sure your resume is up to date, and list any volunteer work or involvement in professional organizations, etc.

Check online for some interview tips that address those returning to work after a long period.


This response is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.